- Swimco
- Lia Sophia
- Aritzia
- Omega Nutrition
- Every Woman in the World Conferences
- Wear Else
- Haus of Luxe
- Murale
- Safeway
- Popchips
- The Province of British Columbia
Figuring out how to stay healthy and incorporate nutrition into daily living can be a challenge - especially with the demands of a busy schedule. With the upcoming Power Walk for Dress for Success Vancouver on May 7, we're bringing healthy living to the forefront. And luckily for us, Shannon Chung from the Alive Health Centre has provided us with some handy tips for healthy living. Check out her tips here and get started on your path towards a healthier lifestyle!
Disclaimer: The health information provided in the linked document represents the opinion of the writer and is in no way affiliated with Dress for Success Vancouver.
We are thrilled to welcome Elisabeth Walker-Young as the face of The Power Walk for Dress for Success Vancouver!
Elisabeth retired in 2005 as a 13-year member of the Canadian Paralympic Swim Team, having represented Canada at 4 Summer Paralympic Games from Barcelona 1992 through to Athens 2004. Throughout her swimming career, she broke numerous Canadian and World records, won 3 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze Paralympic Games medals and was team captain for more than half of her career.
More recently, Elisabeth has worked in sport administration including operations for the Vancouver 2010 Organizing Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. In 2010, Elisabeth had the incredible honour of running with the Olympic and Paralympic torches!
Last week, we had the wonderful opportunity to ask Elisabeth some questions about her life, Paralympic career, and community involvement. She also provided us with some handy tips for getting ready for the Power Walk and staying healthy. Check out our interview with Elisabeth here!
Learn more at Elisabeth’s blog http://elittlebitofthisandthat.blogspot.com or follow her on twitter at elisabethwy (she tweets more than she blogs at the moment).
Board Posting: Nominations are now open for a 2 year term on the Dress for Success Vancouver Board of Directors. Please read below to learn more and if you are interested send a cover email with your resume to dfsvancouver.deborah@yahoo.ca by 8 a.m. on April 19, 2011. The nominating team will be meeting during the week following to revue these and to create a short list for interviewing. The AGM for Dress for Success Vancouver is held late in June, and the term of service begins with the AGM.
Organization Name: Dress for Success Vancouver
Scope of : Local
Branch Name: NA
Website: http://www.dressforsuccess.org/vancouver
Nearest Intersection: Granville & West Hastings
Established: 1999 (DFSV Vancouver)
Budget : $350,000
Next Year Funding: Stable
Paid Staff: 4
Volunteer: 200
Board Meetings Per Year: 10 or 11
Approximate Time Requirement per Month: 9-12 hours
Length of Board Terms: 2 Years
Maximum Board Size: 13
Time of Board Meetings: 2nd Monday of the month at 5:15 pm
Location of Board Meetings: varies (primarily downtown Vancouver)
Issues Facing the Board: DFSV offers a variety of programs and the demand for our services is increasing. To meet this demand the Board is involved in Fundraising (both Corporate and private stakeholders), Strategic Planning, Service Delivery and Governance. New approaches to these challenges are always welcome.
Directors and Officers Liability Yes
The mission of Dress for Success is to promote the economic independence of disadvantaged women by providing professional attire, a network of support and the career development tools to help women thrive in work and in life.
Dress for Success® Vancouver is a registered Canadian Charity that helps low and no income women to transition into the workforce.
While we may be best known for providing suits to women, it is our employment retention programs that are the cornerstone of the organization. Soon after Dress for Success was founded we came to recognize that finding work is only one step in a woman's journey towards economic independence; remaining employed and building a rewarding career are essential if a woman is to become self-sufficient.
Dress for Success relies on the financial contributions, in-kind donations and volunteer efforts of individuals and companies around the world who are committed to helping women take charge of their lives.
Organization Structure: Hierarchical
Developmental Stage: Established
Special Requirements:
Dress for Success Vancouver seeks to attract board members who want to help us achieve our mission. Skills in Fundraising, Management, Organizational Planning, Accounting and/or Legal would be preferred.
To assist DFSV in selecting the best candidate, please clearly indicate in your expression of interest your:
· Area of expertise/professional skill
· Academic/education
· Fund raising experience
· Connections to the community serviced by DFSV
· Experience with philanthropic organizations